Paschim Gujarat Vij Company Limited (PGVCL) has published an Advertisement for below-mentioned Posts. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee and how to apply are given below in the advertisement.
Posts: Chairperson (CGRF Junagadh)
Educational Qualification: The Chairperson of the Forum shall be (i) a retired district judge / a retired senior judicial officer, or (ii) a retired civil servant not below the rank of Collector, or (iii) a retired electrical engineer not below the rank of Superintending Engineer or equivalent and have at least Twenty (20) years of experience, with adequate knowledge of power sector. Experience related to consumer affairs will be preferred. Preferably have a working knowledge of the vernacular language of the state of Gujarat. Please read Official Notification for Educational Qualification details.
Age Limit: Not above 65 years
How to Apply: The Candidates meeting the above criteria may send their application in the prescribed format available on PGVCL website along with following documents on or before 17/01/2020 to I/c. General Manager (HR), PGVCL, Regd. & Corporate Office,
“Paschim Gujarat Vij Seva Sadan”, Laxminagar, Nana Mava Road, Rajkot, duly mentioning "Application for the post of Chairperson (CGRF Junagadh)” on the envelope.
1. School Leaving Certificate
2. Two Passport size photographs
3. Retirement Order
4. Experience certificates
Last Date: 17-01-2020
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PGVCL Recruitment for Chairperson (CGRF Junagadh) Post 2020
Reviewed by Anonymous
January 08, 2020