Land Re-survey Provisions, Solution And What To Do If Land Area Is Incorrect In Gujarat

Land Re-survey Provisions, Solution And What To Do If Land Area Is Incorrect In Gujarat: One of the difficult tasks for a surveyor is the re-surveying of lands, the re-location of the boundary lines between privately-owned lands or the re-location of the boundary between two political entities. The original descriptions of boundary lines found in deeds and grants are often vague or in error.

Land Re-survey Provisions, Solution And What To Do If Land Area Is Incorrect In Gujarat

English kings who made land grants to the original colonists often were vague in describing the boundaries. This often resulted in overlapping boundaries. Some of the original colonies claimed land the Pacific coast. Old descriptions included a reference to landmarks which disappeared many years before re-surveys were made.

Old surveyors were not equipped with sophisticated instruments, and units of measurements used were not the same as those of today. All these things have presented the surveyor with problems which, in many cases, have solutions only in the Courts. Court decisions, in many boundary disputes over many years, have made a pattern which has established general rules for the location of boundaries.

In locating lost or disputed boundaries, the surveyor's job is to determine where the boundaries were actually located, not where they should have been located. The primary objective in locating a survey is to "follow the footsteps of the surveyor". In a suit involving boundary question, the search must be made for the footsteps of the original surveyor, and when found, the case is solved.

After boundaries have once been fixed by monuments, they cannot be changed because of errors of distance or direction unless fraud is involved.

When a new tract of land is established from an old tract of land by subdivision, the boundaries of the subdivision become, in part, old boundaries and new boundaries. New boundaries are dependent on old boundaries. Since property laws are state laws, the rules for locating boundaries may differ from state to state.
Land Re-survey Provisions, Solution And What To Do If Land Area Is Incorrect In Gujarat Land Re-survey Provisions, Solution And What To Do If Land Area Is Incorrect In Gujarat Reviewed by Anonymous on January 16, 2020 Rating: 5
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