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Sci & Tech GK PDF Download by Gkjobs: CARLO ROVELLI is the man who can spin hard physics into pure gold. The Order of Time is his third book. Like the first (Seven Brief Lessons on Physics), it has been an instant bestseller. In this state-of-the-art survey of what physicists thought and now think about the nature of time, Rovelli is both unsettling (time does not exist) and philosophical (the study of time “does nothing but return us to ourselves”).

IT MAY not be a classic Christmas whodunnit, but The Beautiful Cure is a page-turner. Author Daniel Davis explains who did what in the immune system story (poor Ralph Steinman’s co-discovery of dendritic cells won him a Nobel, but he died before he found out). As an immunology professor, Davis has the right cred to claim that we now know enough to start curing diseases such as cancer.

QUANTUM mechanics is less a theory about particles and waves, uncertainty and fuzziness, than one about what can be known and how. In this, his 23rd book, human whirlwind Philip Ball tracks quantum mechanics from its roots as a rather desperate piece of hand-waving about objects too small to behave to a disturbing, fully worked-out theory about the world.

IN JUNE 2009, Edwin Rist, an American flautist studying at London’s Royal Academy of Music, smashed a window at an outpost of the Natural History Museum to steal the skins of 299 tropical birds, including some collected by Alfred Russel Wallace. This tale of greed, deception, sabotage and trade in rare feathers ranks among the most bizarre crimes ever.

MACHINES rule, making important decisions in transport, finance, security and healthcare, even deciding who goes to jail. This is the world we live in right now, a place of wonders ravaged by multiple data-driven disasters. Hannah Fry tours the algorithms surrounding us and wonders what happened to the human values supposedly encoded in this runaway maths.

THE marvellously monikered Helen Scales is out to convince us that the most interesting life is in the sea. Her cast list includes giants that live for centuries and thumb-sized tiddlers that survive weeks. Some shout with colour, others hide in plain sight. Along with citing surprising examples of fish ecology and physiology, Scales asks such complex questions as to whether fish feel pain.

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