Today we bring for you most important Bharat Ma Panchayatiraj PDF which created by Gujarat University Granth Nirman Board. This book is the most important book for Binsachivalay Clerk, GPSC prelim or mains exam which conducted by Gujarat government.
Some quick information about University Granth Nirman Board: Government of India prepared a scheme for making available the Quality content in the form of Textbooks and Reference books in regional language for all the disciplines of Higher Education. The scheme was accepted by the Government of Gujarat and as an outcome; University Granth Nirman Board was established in 1970. The board is registered under the Society Registration Act 1860. The board has its own constitution and bylaws.
There are 23 Granth Nirman Boards/Academies in the various States of India; University Granth Nirman Board, Gujarat is one amongst them. The board receives the grant for Publication from Commission for Scientific & Technical Terminology (CSTT), Higher Education Department, Ministry of Human Resource Development, New Delhi.
Hon. Education Minister, Government of Gujarat is the Chairperson of University Granth Nirman Board. An eminent educationist associated with Higher Education is appointed Vice Chairperson of University Granth Nirman Board. Honourable Vice-Chancellors of the State Universities, as well as the Heads of various department of the Government of Gujarat, are ex-officio members of the board. State Government nominates seven (07) Educationist from Higher Education and three (03) individuals from Press & Publication houses as members of the board. The board has a “Vyavasthapak Samiti”. The Vice-Chairperson of University Granth Nirman Board acts as Adhyaksha of the Vyavasthapak Samiti.
Bharat Ma Panchayatiraj PDF Book By Gujarat University Granth Nirman Board
Reviewed by Anonymous
November 09, 2019
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