Manager & Other Posts In Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority (GSDMA)
Educational Qualification: Please read Official Notification
Selection Process: based on an interview.
How to Apply: Interested Candidates may Apply Online Through official Website.
Starting Date of Online Application: 16-09-2019
Last Date to Apply Online: 30-09-2019
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Quick Info About Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority (GSDMA):
Immediately after the 26th January 2001 earthquake, Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority (GSDMA) was established and registered as a ‘Society’ under the provisions of the Societies Registration Act and the Bombay Public Trust Act on 8 February 2001. GSDMA was initially mandated to implement the gigantic task of rehabilitation and reconstruction programme in the earthquake-affected areas of the State and simultaneously act as a nodal agency to plan and implement pre-disaster preparedness and mitigation activities including training and capacity building of all the stakeholders involved in disaster management. After the passage of Gujarat State Disaster Management Act – 2003, the Society constituted earlier as GSDMA was dissolved under Section 49 of the Act, and the Statutory Authority under Sub-Section 1 of the Section (6) came to an existence with effect from 1st September, 2003.
Quick Info About Disaster Management :
Disaster, as defined by the United Nations, is a serious disruption of the functioning of a community or society, which involve widespread human, material, economic or environmental impacts that exceed the ability of the affected community or society to cope using its own resources. Disaster management is how we deal with the human, material, economic or environmental impacts of said disaster, it is the process of how we “prepare for, respond to and learn from the effects of major failures” . Though often caused by nature, disasters can have human origins. According to the International Federation of Red Cross & Red Crescent Societies a disaster occurs when a hazard impacts on vulnerable people. The combination of hazards, vulnerability and inability to reduce the potential negative consequences of risk results in disaster.
- Counsellor (District Project Officer)
- Field Engineer
- Personal Assistant & Manager (Administration)
- Manager (Finance)
Educational Qualification: Please read Official Notification
Selection Process: based on an interview.
How to Apply: Interested Candidates may Apply Online Through official Website.
Important Dates:
Starting Date of Online Application: 16-09-2019
Last Date to Apply Online: 30-09-2019
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Manager & Other Posts In Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority (GSDMA)
Reviewed by Anonymous
September 17, 2019