Health desk: There are many things that are used in daily use at home that are useful for home consumption but they also harm our health. Especially in young children the immune system is weak. Due to which they are rapidly exposed to any disease. One of these items is a detergent used in laundry. Many studies have come to the conclusion that washing powder plays an important role in damaging your baby's health. Therefore, if there is a small child in the home, the use of detergents should be used with caution.
Risks of Poisoning and Dementia
Between January 2013 and January 2015, a study of nearly two years revealed that if young children were exposed to laundry detergent, it could be very detrimental to their health. Research has found that especially if young children insert a packet of detergent into their mouth or powder, this detergent can cause problems in their child with poisoning, dementia and mental retardation.
Chemicals can cause the skin to burst
Laundry detergent is packaged in colour, which attracts children and as soon as the baby is caught in the hand, the baby drops the packet in his mouth. Soap used for washing clothes contains chemicals that can cause many types of harm if they enter the body. There is also the risk of difficulty in breathing, getting into a coma and even death. Not only that, often these detergents contain so much chemical that even if young children touch them, their skin can burn.
laundry washing powder is hazardous to children's health, may inhibit mental development
Reviewed by Anonymous
September 11, 2019