Home guard recruitment Rules 2019 | Updates MaruGujarat: Personnel are recruited from various people to include doctors, lawyers, teachers, employees of public and private sector organisations, college and university students, agricultural and industrial workers and others who give their spare time to their communities.
All 18 to 50-year-old citizens of India are eligible for membership and normally serve from three to five years each. Members are paid an allowance when called up for service. All members, after their first three-year term of service, are eligible to be trained by the police in the maintenance of law and order, crime prevention, anti-dacoit measures, border control, disaster relief, fire prevention and firefighting, election and social welfare activities
We shall make the payment of claim that has been admitted as payable by Us under the Policy terms and conditions within 30 days of submission of all necessary documents/information and any other additional information required for the settlement of the claim All claims will be settled in accordance with the applicable regulatory guidelines, including IRDA (Protection of Policyholders Interests Regulation), 2002. In case of any delay in payment as stated herein, We will pay you interest at the prevalent bank rate plus 2 % at the beginning of the financial year in which claim is Home Guard Plus Policy UIN: IRDA/NL-HLT/TAGI/P-H/V.II/287/14-15 Policy Wordings Tata AIG General Insurance Company Limited 19 settled. For the purpose of this clause, ‘bank rate’ shall mean the existing bank rate as notified by Reserve Bank of India, unless the extent regulation requires payment based on some other prescribed interest rate.
Home Guard recruitment Rules 2019 | Updates MaruGujarat
Reviewed by Anonymous
September 27, 2019