Chief Officer, GPSC Final Result Declared (Advt. No. 75/2018-19) | Updates MaruGujarat

Chief Officer, GPSC Final Result Declared (Advt. No. 75/2018-19)


1. How are vacancies/advertisement advertised?
Departments submit their proposal/requisition for recruitment containing information regarding number of vacancies, reservation (including PH reservation), essential and desirable qualifications for the post, etc. to GPSC. After due examination in the Commission, the vacancies are published for inviting Online Application on or and on the Website of the Commission. Indicative Advertisements are also published in leading Newspapers across Gujarat and in Rozgar Samachar (Gujarat).

2. How can I apply?
A candidate can apply for a post Online only. The Website of the Commission, especially, for this purpose are- or

3. For how many different posts can a candidate apply in one recruitment advertisement?
One Recruitment advertisement generally invites applications for a number of posts, and in special cases fora single post. A Candidate who wishes to apply for more than one post can do so, by applying separately for each post and paying the application form fee for each post in the manner prescribed for that post. For example, if in an advertisement, applications are invited for posts of (i) Assistant Engineer(Civil) (ii) Deputy Section Officer / Deputy Mamlatdar and (iii) JointDirector, IT, a candidate intending to apply for two posts i.e. for AssistantEngineer (Civil) and for Joint Director, IT, is required to submit separate applications and pay the application form fee for each of the two posts separately.

Chief Officer, GPSC Final Result Declared (Advt. No. 75/2018-19)

Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) has published Final Result for the post of Chief Officer (Advt. No. 75/2018-19), Check below for more details.

Post: Chief Officer, Class–3, Gujarat State Municipal Chief Officer’s Service

Advt. No. 75/2018-19

Final Result: Click Here
Chief Officer, GPSC Final Result Declared (Advt. No. 75/2018-19) | Updates MaruGujarat Chief Officer, GPSC Final Result Declared (Advt. No. 75/2018-19) | Updates MaruGujarat Reviewed by Anonymous on September 13, 2019 Rating: 5
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