Sell Your crops in online And Earn More Money | Enam Portal For Farmers

Sell Your crops in online And Earn More Money | Enam Portal For Farmers : In today's digital age, India too is making progress in this direction through Digital India to align with the world that is moving at the speed of Super Sonic jets. In the recent times, there is a slight effect of digitalisation in every sector. Even the traditional agricultural sector cannot be isolated from this effect.

Usually, our ears are accustomed to hearing words such as e-governance, e-mail, e-tickets. But with the efforts of the Government of India in Year 1, a new word was added to this series… ..E-Name (Electronic National Agricultural Market)

Which is really the e-name for farmers in today's competitive era. Farming is just a business. In which farmers have to decide the prices of farm produce and depend on the nearest market yard and traders for their sale and as a result, farmers take advantage of the heat and set prices and farmers face many economic losses.

To bring the farmer out of all these problems and ensure that the farmer gets a fair return of his agricultural produce and can easily sell it, there is an electronic trading portal launched by the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmer Welfare of the Government of India on 7th of April, through the Internet through 5 states. .PMC Market (On March 8, 2015) for the purchase and sale of agricultural products online. Of a national agricultural market is to be provided in the form of an integrated platform. As well, some 8 million farmers are currently registered on the e-name. According to the report of the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmer Welfare, up to 5 APMC markets will be linked to the e-name, thus a total of 5 APMC markets will be made available on the e-name.

According to the current market situation, the process of obtaining the laws and permissions of doing business from one market area to another in the market area of ​​one state is different. As well as transportation costs of moving agricultural produce from one market area to another and many other economic burdens, the farmers also suffer a lot of losses due to intermediate costs, waste. Many factors have contributed to the agrarian economy. At the time, there was a need for a platform through which state and national-level modern media Equality of market access, appropriate compensation, the farmers through the creation of a streamlined structure, solve the problems of traders and faster processing.

Currently up to 5 different agricultural products can be sold through e-name. Through the national agricultural market, the whole country has been developed as an umbrella market under one umbrella so that farmers of one state can easily sell their farm produce in any market in the country at affordable prices. Farmers, businesses and consumers will benefit directly from this scheme. Anyone can easily buy and sell in any market area. Online auction is done to ensure transparency in the market.

Which farm products can be traded on e-name?

The e-name electronic tedding platform has been created by the Government of India, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmer Welfare. Special software for A has been made available in every market. The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmer Welfare, Government of India has appointed the Agricultural Industries Association (SFAC) for Small Farmers as the main implementing agency called e-name. Which will maintain and manage the e-name platform.

The e-name is functioning with improvement in several dimensions from day to day. In the days to come, e-name will prove to be an important platform for strengthening the agricultural economy.

For more information: Website:,
Sell Your crops in online And Earn More Money | Enam Portal For Farmers  Sell Your crops in online And Earn More Money | Enam Portal For Farmers Reviewed by Anonymous on August 29, 2019 Rating: 5
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