Apply Online For New Ration Card In Gujarat |

This Service is available in Gujarati Only. You will be required to click on “Apply Online” button for filing the form online or “Download Form” button for filling the form offline. Applicant should ready with service specific information like: Occupational Details, Family details, other than basic applicant details before moving with submitting application online. All fields marked with *(star) are mandatory fields in Online Application.

As per the language selection English or Gujarati respective language keyboard should be used for filling an application form. To download Gujarati Keyboard please In case of any wrong/misleading information provided in application shall lead to rejection of the application by Department Authorities. *If your application is returned for change or to fill incomplete details, kindly submit it within 37 days of return. If fail to submit within 37 days application will be disposed with rejection. Application fee will not be refunded.

Note: You Need to Attach Following Documents and Passport size photo.
  1. Identity Proof Attachment (Any One):
  2. True Copy of Election Card.
  3. True Copy Income Tax PAN Card.
  4. True Copy of Passport
  5. Driving License
  6. Government Photo ID cards/ service photo identity card issued by PSU
  7. Any Government Document having citizen photo
  8. Photo ID issued by Recognized Educational Institution
  9. A copy of the Aadhar card or Election card in case of slum
To portal login, you can use any of these two following methods to log in

Citizen Login
Step 1: You have to click on the “Login” button that is visible on the homepage of the portal.
Step 2: Then select the login type that would provide you with three options such as Aadhaar card, Mobile Number and e-mail address.
Step 3: Then you have to enter your username, password and captcha code. After that, you would be able to login to the Digital portal.
Step 4: Now you are eligible to request and apply for any services which are available at the web portal.

For Office login, you have to follow the below steps:
  1. You have to click on the “Office Login” button that is visible on the homepage of the portal.
  2. Then you have to enter your username, password and captcha code. After that, you would be able to login to the Digital portal.
Track Application Status The users can verify the application status by visiting the official portal. By clicking on the “Check Status” tab of the dashboard, the status of the application applied can be verified. If the application has been approved, then you will be facilitated to download the certificate by clicking on the option ”Download Issued Document” from the portal.

Important Links:

Apply Online For New Ration Card In Gujarat | Apply Online For New Ration Card In Gujarat | Reviewed by Anonymous on July 09, 2019 Rating: 5
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